The Dialogue Diaries (Chapter II)

Me: Admit it, you fell for me.
My Crush: You tripped me!


Friend: Did you just fall?
Me: No. I attacked the floor.
Friend: Backwards?
Me: I'm freaking talented.


Me: Mama, you're invading my personal space.
Mom: You came out of my personal space.


Me to couples in school: I have PTSD from your PDA


[Me and my crush texting]

Me: Hey
Crush: Hey?
Me: I can't sleep :\
Crush: I can. Goodnight.


Me: Mom you're not funny. Don't make jokes.
Mom: I made you.


Me: Do you like me?
My Crush: No...
Me, tearing up: Ok, just a survey


Me to someone I hate: I'm sorry I called you stupid. I honestly thought you already knew.


Person A: If I were a gardener, I'd put our tulips together.
Person B: Awww.


Person C: If I were a gardener, you'd be my hoe.
Person D: ...Thanks


Me: [sneezes]
Friend: ...
Me: You're really not going to say "bless you"
Friends: I'm sitting right next to you, so clearly you've been blessed.



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